About us

History and Pedigree

NorAcon AS of Norway was established in 1998 and has grown to become one of the most respected and leading BMU manufacturers in Europe. Our never-ending quest for high quality and better cost efficiency is the main reason for the success which has been experienced in countries all around the world.

The staff is a good blend of traditional craftsmen and specialists. Their skills and abilities combined with state of the art machinery and technology secures the superb quality expected from the clients.

The design and management department is staffed with highly competent personnel like structural engineers and designers combined with administrative and marketing expertise.

The factory and head office is located in Vestby, which is 30 minutes south of Oslo, Norway. The company is doing their business from a brand new factorybuilding specially designed and built for NorAcon AS.

All activities in the company are very “eco friendly” in the sense that most resources that are being used in the production are renewable. The factory building in itself has been built according to the highest standards for energy savings. There is no pollution related to the daily business.

NorAcon has for many years been “AAA- rated (top rated)” by the international credit rating companies, and the company is prepared both financially and administratively to undertake major project both in Norway as well as worldwide.